What's New?
2025 Update Post --February 21st, 2025--
Since I like to publish these updates on semi-seasonal dates, I can tell today is the last half moon of February, how bout that? XD Jokes aside, I've been quite active both onsite and offsite, so let's have some recaps.Novegro's stamp rally has been such a success that we're making it a tradition- we plan to make more games and prize illustrations to even collect in an artbook at some point in time! We'll be keeping the initiative exclusive to the Novegro festival, but participants will be able to pay during both the January and May events, with different prizes each time.
On the other hand looks like Lucca Collezionando chose to not host us this year, bummer- along with many other friends of us and the reason for this is, apparently, that they had way too many booth requests and decided to make the artist area smaller in response. What kind of backwards logic is that?! Instead of making the area bigger? >:C But frankly I can't lose too much time gnawing on this since, well, there's so much to think about... and to draw!
I've started penciling BloodWorks with a good pacing, making around six pages per week. Having started this month it doesn't seem much because only two full weeks have passed, but I'm actually already at one fourth of it all done. I hope to keep this up because it means that by the end of March I'll already have al pencils ready for inks! And speaking of this project, I've started fleshing its intro section here on site. Well there's not much obviously... except the logo and some synopsis. I'm particularly proud of the logo, I love it so much <3
Speaking of site updates: the latest and last chapter of my convention tips journal has been posted; I also finally have a new illustration (the first of 2025!) featuring Valy, Lock and friends of the channel Coeleth (who finally has a sona, wheeee) and Crym as we ready up our booths in Novegro. I had a bunch of photos of us working and I liked them so much I wanted an anthro version of that <3 I also have a new audio animation, they're getting more and more popular in my gallery! This time it's something with Program doing what he does best: messing up with old techno xD There's a new comic strip as well, and a recieved fanart of Jay as part of a Secret Santa project.
That might be all for now, but since I'm working in equal measure on my projects weeks after weeks, expect to have a 2025 full of art!
Till next time!
Cleanups And Recaps --December 25th, 2024--
Merry Christmas! House has been busy these last days of the year: mainly typical holidays meetups and days out with my family, but also me and Lock are setting everything up for our projects in the upcoming new year. Quite infact, I should get ready to go celebrate the 25th with uncles and aunts, but let's see if I have enough time to list everything out.First in the order of importance, now that LWY has ended it's about time to start working on new comicbooks. Infact, we plan to work on two volumes at once! We'll release the first issues of both our new projects, BloodWorks and Fatal Riff, at the same time. In theory, this should be possible because while with Fatal Riff we'll resume the same working roles (Lock with pencils and inks, me with colouring) we'll switch with BloodWorks and I'll do the pencils/inks that Lock will colour. After these releases we will alternate between the two series, working on the second issue of Fatal Riff one year, then on BloodWorks on the next, and so on.
Fatal Riff's concept art and plot has already been laid out in the past months, but these last weeks have been solely dedicated to the sister project; Lock is already halfway done with the script and page thumbnails, I'm doing the characters concept art... I'd say give it a few weeks more and you'll see me already penciling the first pages out.
We're also organizing for the upcoming cons of the new year. The first one in line is the usual Novegro Comics Festival for which we are setting up a stamp rally with the other booths of the Griffinest family and a few more anthro-adiacent creatives! Novegro is a very big event among anthro fans, so even if technically we don't have much new printed goods to show (except for the merch I guess) the rally should help make attendees go around and incentivated to visit.
Next up we have the Bologna Nerd Show in February, then hopefully Lucca Collezionando in March for which I've sent the booth request form in these last few days (who on earth opens booth claims under Xmas?). Afterwards in summer we should be able to attend our first actual furry con! Arven has invited me and Lock to Furizon and I can't wait to set up shop there. It's gonna be a different experience for once, we'll see how it goes.
Our convention presence will also get an upgrade as up until now we've had all our booth setup and decorations gravitating towards LWY... but again, since that's ended we now need something more general to introduce ourselves to the public; so, we came up with the indie label name NeonGalaxy Comics! In the next few weeks we'll study some new banners to decorate our booth with but for now we already have the logo ready!
As a Christmas gift to myself I've brought along my Pokemon cartridges from the collection to install a little upgrade on them: swappable battery slots!
The idea came from this thread I found on Reddit and the solution seemed clean and easy enough for me to try (uh, correction- I had dad do the soldering. He's muuuch more precise at these things. Quite infact he did a mighty good job). I've always been a bit nervous about changing batteries on these carts because the ones usually sold online imply that you have to solder stuff each time you need a change, and I definitely would like to avoid unnecessary stress on the board. Adding a swappable slot means that the job is pretty permanent, with the only thing that needs to be changed is, well, the battery, just like any other battery powered device.
The only downside is that whoa mama the prices were out of this world! I resorted to buying the board as a standalone piece and then the battery "socket" with the idea of fusing the two pieces together and then soldering everything on the game, because the whole piece together would have costed me more than a hundred euros shipping combined...
I applied this on Crystal, Silver, Gold, Red, Blue and Yellow version (yes, I forgot I also had Green and only realized once in the lab... oh well, I don't play that much often). In particular the first gen carts generally use a 1616 battery instead of a 2025 so their original diameter is tinier, but the piece can still be applied on their board if slightly askew (and a bigger battery simply means it'll last more time).
But anyway, this is something I've been meaning to do for a while, and I'm quite happy with both the result and the idea of having given new life to these games. I've already started a new savefile on Crystal!
Lastly speaking of updates, let's talk about the site! With the commission works having cleared something like last week I haven't been able to do much new personal art, but I remembered to do at least some holiday cleaning in the Sitely sections. First off let's talk about the most obvious change- VN has a new skin! This one's dedicated to Candy with a lot of pink and whites. I like it very much because it reminds me of an italian fansite suggested by the Pokemon World magazine I used to visit back in the day and I was totally enamoured by the colourscheme! The About Site section now has a Site Map; more Dragonite plushies have been added to my collection in About Artist; I've streamlined the Affiliates section with a new banner order and added a new link to my friends- a Kangaskhan collection shrine! I've cleaned up some of the older update posts and made room for at least one of the new comics in the Projects section.
What's next in the immediate future? Commission reopenings of course, and if I have some time inbetween a BloodWorks page and a fanzine contribution I should be able to finish writing the last journal/guide chapter for convention setups! I also have in mind to revamp the old refs for my secondary characters as they do need a graphical update along with completely redesigning one of my charas, Tartan. Let's see how it goes.
Happy end of the year!
And We'Re Back! --September 3rd, 2024--
Wedding day has happened! I'm back to my usual things except now me and Lock have a cool ring. :VJokes aside, the day itself went smooth as butter; all the nervousness I had accumulated during previous weeks concerning its organization vanished just the day before the event as I saw all my relatives and parents arrive here in town after a day of travel. Ceremony started at 10 o'clock in the mornings at the Castle of Legnano in a small but cute room decorated with swords and shields! It was quick and simple, only involved a bunch of signatures from us and the best men. Also our friend Silvia/Coeleth brought the rings to the "altar"! She was almost in tears from the excitement and happiness when we asked her to do it xD
Afterwards we went to a villa near Lake Maggiore for our party; its main theme was animals! I had printed a hundred of cards featuring classic zoology lithographies and named tables after taxonomy families. I was expecting the (few) kids would have noticed the animal cards more but it was actually the older relatives and guests that started playing with them! I got asked for info on several species and I saw many collect the cards and trade amongst others. The casual chic vibe of everything was largely appreciated too as it eased everyone from being constriced in a long event full of stuck up rules and unnecessary pompousness; even the menu was as easy as it could be as we totally avouded the multiple course meal and only did a buffet where everyone could take how much they wanted. Finally the cake was very cute (and, once again, simple) featuring a wolf and a raccoon figures as topper! We ended everything relatively early and by 7 o'clock in the evening we were already back home. I wasn't even that much tired, to the point of hanging out in Legnano once changing into more city appropriate clothing.
So yes, I couldn't have imagined a better outcome for this! Really the only thing that annoyed me was the -admittedly very, very light- makeup applied by the hair stylist (which made me realize I might be way more of a tomboy that I actually imagined- I mean, I've always known to be boyish but not this much xD) and the fact that everyone appreciated the sugared almond wedding favors so much there was not even one left for me to take home... I was looking forward to keep some leftovers for me but nah :C Oh well, considering how sweet they are that might have probably been for the best- I am not to be trusted around sugared dried fruit.
All in all, this means that the major event that has taken me hostage for most of the year is now over and I can really, really get back to my usual artings and projects. Yes, we do plan to go on honeymoon (Japan tour!) but that ain't gonna happen until April so I'm free to fill my mind with different thoughts for now. So, where were we, and where are we going?
Speaking of updates, those who have been following my mini guides on conventions would love to know its third chapter has been out for some time now! Check my logbook section to find an entry detailing how to use your convention journal at best! There's also a new digital illustration of Valery and Acid having a play fight- or is it an actual fight? Also, an Utopian Scholastic aesthetic piece featuring Carabine has appeared in the other digital art section, and an animation featuring Joypad, too! This last piece has left me a bit unsatisfied of the final result, but I'm happy to see it complete nonetheless. Oh, and there's a new strip with Valy and Lock in the comics section, as well! My my: I might have been way more active than expected this past July.
The fanarts section has seen a big update as I uploaded my zine contributions of last year- the saddest part of a zine is that I have to wait sooo much before revealing my own pieces to the public! But otherwise they're a fantastic occasion to work with so many cool artists and I can't wait to get involved in more projects in the future! Speaking of, the LostDex zine that I took part in raised more than 2k dollars for the WWF! It was a truly emotional moment for the group as the admins made the donation x'3
Jumping to recieved fanarts, I've uploaded two trade pieces featuring Carabine. I'm happy to see my sporty tiger get some recognition finally!
I've gone back to commission work and am working on my current queue before taking more orders, so you can expect an official reopening sometime next week. In the meanwhile, I'll ready up a schedule for the many illustrations I plan to do during this upcoming autumn and finally, after a summer of silence... more convention announcements! We're planning to get back to events with a whole new product line (of which I've already placed my manifacturing order, I can't wait to see them live!) and most importantly a new comic saga now that Lost Without You is over. I'll disclose more about it in the eventual next entry as this update post has become huge! See you soon everyone!
Celebrating Our Third Year! --April 29th, 2024--
Happy birthday, me! And happy third birthday, website! I've been silent throughout April and especially busy after the 15th, so let me disclose a bit about what's been going on both online and offline.First things first, it's obvious that the 3.0 version update hasn't shown up in time for the 26th. My ideal update timing is usually a few months after the annoucement but this won't be the case: me and my brother are considering 3.0 to be the "ultimate" backend update for VN so to not further tweak it anymore. Not only we're double and triple checking every line of code without rushing things up, this is a real revamp from actual scratch: new database structure, new way to store my gallery, a genuine executable to run new uploadings and new skins from! This is just like making VN for the first time again but now with all the experience we accumulated from the past iterations (and mistakes).
However, I won't be here talking about it again if I didn't have anything to show yet: we've obviously been busy working on 3.0's frontend too and as of today, at least that portion can be considered complete! It's looking mighty fine on local and I took the time to take a screenshot to show how it'll look. Here's the new upcoming frontpage!
Tadaa! I think that's an appropriate gift for VN's third birthday, hehe! I know there's a lot to unpack from that screencap, but I won't disclose anything yet as I do want to make the "full tour" giude on the day of the actual update. However, fellow players who grew up with Kiara And Kovu's Daybreak during the 90's will recognize the aesthetic! The initial idea was to fully bind to the Global Village Coffeehouse aesthetic but it became more and more "Lion King"-y as I went on... which I don't mind at all. Back to the roots :V
Speaking of updated pages, I've started rewriting and cleaning up a bit my Sitely section pages, namely: I've cleaned up some of the old update logs saving only the important milestones; rewrote About Site and About Author (which will be fused into one page in 3.0 anyway- whoops, spoilers!); did the same for Contacts and Webs; tidied up Affiliates and removed dead links. Also added some new ones, go check em out!
If I find some time in the following days, the Lore and Stickers sections will recieve an update as well, with Lore getting new paragraphs and Stickers getting revamped with a new layout. If I can't make it now, eh you'll see the new stuff implemented along with 3.0 .
And now, gallery novelties!
- A new relaxing Digital illustration with the Galactic Bunnies stargazing.
- A new Digital picture featuring some of the gals on the 90est couch ever! xD
- Couple of new Comic strips with another one in the works at the time of writing and that will surely be posted in the following days. 2024 is the year of comic strips...
- The Guest artists section sees a meaty update with several new recieved trade halves featuring Jamaila, Carabine, Helios and Valy... also yeah if that wasn't clear enough, I'm back to trading pictures! After probably ten years of putting them aside.
Back to real life! While here at my parents' home I went shopping for my wedding dress! We're not having a religious wedding so luckily I could choose something simple and nice xD And we got the rings too! Locations for the ritual and the party have also been chosen, and it's been a bit of a hassle but I managed to organize trips and stayings for my part of the family... now I have the decorations to take care of x.x
Rest of life is going as usual; Can't believe I have a convention to attend to in two weekends. Where did the time go? Where's the rest of sleepy April? Anyhow, hope you readers are doing fine and that you're having a good spring! Until next update (which I hope I can do before August), see you!
Spring Update --March 21st, 2024--
Spring update! I love writing update posts just at the cusp of season changes. Luckily I also have plenty to talk about this time. It might have been a quieter month among these gallery sections, but there's been a lot of happenings in any case; also, whenever I'm not in a drawing mood it just means I'm in a writing mood instead, so there's still additions to my site. Starting off with the artings this time around!- New digital illustration featuring the gang shopping in Stargate Fantasy, which was an actual emo/scene shop me and my friends used to get all our spiked bracelets from. A little memory piece, so to speak.
- In the other digital gallery, a piece featuring Amphetamine opens the new folder for 2024. Inspired by eurobeat and cool fighing poses!
- There's also a new comic strip with Jimmy, Tunny and a terrible pun. I mean, what are terrible puns for if not for silly comic strips?
- New recieved fanart of Jamaila from Raye as part of a trade! And it's the first fanart of Jami I get, too!
- As for my own fanart pictures, I uploaded my second set of sepia-toned Pokemon art since I sold the originals of the other ones. I hope this one strikes the same success! The new designs featuring Bulbasaur line, Meowth, Lapras, Suicune and Ho-Oh will premiere as exclusives for the Lucca Collezionando convention, but afterwards (if still available!) will be put for sale also on my Ko-Fi, so keep your eyes peeled!
The new VN skin has rolled out since last update! It now features the cyborg siblings Joypad and Program with a bright and pleasant turquoise/orange palette and some Metalheart aesthetics. Been meaning to do this skin for a while and I'm happy it feels as cozy as I imagined.
I wrote a new Journal! It's the first entry of a tutorial/tips'n'tricks mini series on convention booth organization. The second one is in the works so I hope to update again with that entry as well! We also have a new affiliate with Mystic Wish and I got accepted into a new webring, PKMNCollecting!
Works have already started on the backend portion of the site and will probably have a database migration at some time. I'll let you know if the place might go dark for a few minutes xD
Other sites of mine are also experiencing updates: in these last weeks I've completely revived and revamped my Neocities which was lying around as a semi-dead fake splashpage but now it's a repository of fun stuff that doesn't really fit here; animation reviews, music playlist, toy shrines, quiz results... all those things that fit more in a playroom than a portfolio, that's why I decided to rename it as, infact, The Playroom! The layout (which features tables and is not compatible for mobile, sorry!) is 100% complete and pages are in the process of being built, with content scheduled to roll out in a semi-regular pace.
After that will come an overdue update for my poor BlastoiseMonster as I've noticed the layout keeps giving out more and more errors, I can't even see its graphics on some computers! This might be mostly a fault of where the layout graphics are being currently stored, but surely something that I have to take a look at in the near future. I might have to come up for a new skin for it, or I dunno, move everything out of Tumblr if I feel there's a better option for my gaming blog. Sigh!
Real life wise, at the time of writing I just completed packing everything up for Lucca Collezionando which will take place in Florence this weekend; also, me and Lock managed to reserve a booth for Novegro Comics Festival's spring edition, so we'll be there in May. Novegro will probably be our last event before taking a big pause for summer and autumn, since we have to organize for something much bigger...
So uh, it's official: me and Lock are getting married this summer! We have a late March appointment at the town hall to sign the usual papers and decide for the official celebration date, which we plan to be either in late August or early September. We've been together a long time and sharing a house since five years now, so the marriage won't be a shock to our daily lives and routines, but it'll obviously take some work to organize and that's why we'll be taking a pause off conventions. I have been calling Lock both my boyfriend and my husband at the same time, so I can imagine it might have confused people xD Well, after summer's over there won't be any more misleading naming. :V
And that is all for today! It's quite a bit of news, so if you've been reading the whole post, thanks for sticking through it! See you!
Comics And Coffees --October 5th, 2023--
Oh hey fuzzies! The homecoming from vacation last September was more hectic than expected: we took care of a lot of chores and at the end of the day we felt that the only thing we were doing was paying bills and insurances. The joys of freelance work and VAT numbers... Though luckily we could alternate these oh-so-fun trips to the bank with actually fun times.So what happened in these last months of summer? Well, my relatives from the States came to visit for a week and I could hang around with my cousins! I don't see them often and it's so good to finally catch up once in a while. Two of them brought their boyfriend/girlfriend along and it was a pleasure to meet them. Hope I can soon return the favour and go visit them with a trip overseas sometime in the near future!
Moving on to comic-related news, english copies of LWY 4 and 5 are now in stock. Finally we have all volumes available in both languages and our shop is complete! All that's left for us to do is to push these sales by attending a non-italian speaking con... we're thinking UK, but I know that at the moment it's just fancy musings as we already are busy with events in Italy. But! Of course the comics (and the rest of the merch) is still purchasable online!
For that matter, because I still have to reach "layout peace" in the Shop sections of VN, I've opened a Kofi shop to better advertise and sell LWY and subsequent printed projects. I still have to set details up, take more appealing pictures and advertise properly, but so far I've been toying with it and feels like a comfortable platform to sell on. Once it's complete every available product will be directly linked from the shop page so if you're interested in getting something, you will be able to easily pay through Kofi. Sounds cool enough, doesn't it? X3
Also it's official, my new artbook's coming this November. It's going to be called Doubutsu No Gyaru and will feature over 20 coloured pinups plus research on the subgenres of gyaru fashion styles aaaannndddd... a little printable game! No more spoilers, I'm excited to see this on paper!
What else... the spooky autumn season has arrived, as soon as I free myself up from a few more commissions I would love to spruce up VN with a new skin. I'm thinking something vaguely Halloween-y but general enough to last throughout the rest of the season. I'd hate to come up with a new palette just to change it back only a week after!
And of course, a little update log on the gallery's new entries!
- A new digital illustration is in the dedicated gallery with deliciouisly warm autumn-y colours!
- Also a new cellshaded pic, a simple pinup of Fredrick in another experimental Global Village Coffeehouse aesthetic.
- Added late this August, two traditional media pics featuring Helios along with equally tribal OCs of two friends of mine. Done with Copics!
- Also done with Copics, three more japanese-tattoo styled Poke'mon fanarts in the appropriate section, so now my set of five is complete! Originals will be put for sale at conventions but there will also be miniprints versions of them!
- Finally, a new black and white strip comic, about spam mail xP
Presenting... 2.0! --May 28th, 2022--
VN celebrated its first birthday this past April 26th! Seems like yesterday that I scribbled the very first concept of the mainpage on loose paper; instead, we've already completed a full loop around the sun. Kudos!In reality, April 26th marks the day the domain name was bought: site went online a few months later in late July after eh... quite a bit of tinkering with the CSS, HTML and everything alongside. But what do you expect? Rome wasn't built in a day!
And if you're wondering, yeah, I didn't even manage to sync up VN's birthday with my own. Guess 2021 me couldn't wait three more days. 😒
Me and my brother have been rather busy throughout the whole month of May for an appropriate first year celebration and finally today we finished implementing VN's definitive layout version, taking the occasion to improve things on the backend too. I can't express how proud and happy I am to see everything look exactly like originally envisioned in my concept art! It even features faster load times and cleaner code. What more could a webmaster dream of? Now this site really feels like the virtual home I've always wanted.
Since there's quite a lot of novelties, I'm gonna spend a few lines to show you around. Here's what's changed in VN's new iteration!
- Responsiveness! 1.0 had, sadly, many compatibility issues with different browsers and not mobile friendly at all. 2.0 fixes this by being fully compatible with all browsers and 100% responsive. Mobile users, surf freely! (Even with Netscape Navigator. :V)
- Menus! In addition to the classic left menu, 2.0 doubles the interactivity with the brand new Travel bar at the top linking to my socials and a right menu hosting gadgets and fun links. We now have a clock, a hit counter (not sure if it really works, but looks neat enough) and adopted web plushies for an extra dose of Y2K nostalgia.
- Pagination! The News and Journal sections will display arrows to cycle through older and newer posts, ten at a time. ...They're there, I swear. 😅 I just haven't reached ten posts in any of those sections.
- Improved galleries! Slight graphical overhaul for the galleries featuring a slicker general look, new and improved viewing icons at the top, and a better description display. The video viewer has also been fixed, and now properly displays videos in midview.
- Site history! Now you can visit the About The Page section to also view previous layouts and won awards! Let's party like it's 1997.
- Here to stay! As you can understand, this wasn't a simple cosmetic change but a true re-build of VN from the ground up, and now that I've reached "layout peace" and everything works exactly as it should, I do plan to use version 2.0 for a long long while. However, 2.0 is also written to easily swap colours and graphics around to show new skins for holidays or special celebrations (once again, exactly like sites used to do back in the day)! So, get ready to see VN in a properly Halloween-themed "vest" starring EmptyHead or a winter theme maybe even with falling snow effects.
I'm glad to have completed the overhaul just in time, since in less than a week me and Lock will be travelling again for yet another convention. This time, we'll catch a plane to Sicily to attend the Etnacomics, which will last 5 days! It's gonna be almost like a vacation, especially because we're gonna share the booth with our friend (and top affy!) JulieKarbon and finally do live shenanigans together. Can't wait!
Welcome Home! --July 28th, 2021--
Hi! Welcome to Valyce Negative.it, my main directory for personal art, projects, blogging and commission info. This is the site's first online day, so a few sections might still appear under construction. However, please feel free to take a look around, and remember to check frequently for future updates!To help you navigate, here's a condensed site map!
The menu on the left features a link to this Main Page where all new updates will be announced; if you're new to my art, you can know me better by taking a look at About Author and About Site, or F.A.Q.! If you're a returning visitor, all my personal artworks are now in the Cuna De Rios section, organized in the classic folders Illustrations, Traditionals, Animations, Comics and all the usual. There's also a new folder just for Doodles! I also do Fanarts stored in the appropriate section, and offer some free fanmade Telegram Sticker Sets of certain anime/movie/videogame characters to download and install!
If you're here for business, the Shop section has all you need to know, from TOS to Pricelist and the current Queue List which will be updated daily. More art for sale such as Originals or Merchandise can be found at the appropriate pages. Wanna reach out to me? Check the Contacts and Valyce Negative Webs pages!
And the rest? Well, it's up to you do discover! Have fun!